I am thankfull that the Gardens of Eagen organic farm is able to go on with it's day to day growth without worry since they have made an agreement with the Minnesota Pipleline Company not to cross into their fields. It takes multiple years to turn over the soil on an organic farm to make it elgible to be considered "organic". Any spill from the pipleine would throw years of work out the window and be very unlikely that any organic farm would ever recover from such a disaster. Such a disaster is very likely in the likeness of operation the Minnesota Pipleline is attempting. The Gardens of Eagan have taken an extreme role in the nature of expanding and continuing the growth of such farms throughout the United States and will continue their role as "firsts" and "ol' man on the river" position to make sure that organic and local foods will be availiable for all to enjoy and that nobody will bully them into a position that will contradict their ideas, hopes, and dreams of safe, fresh foods for all to enjoy. I encourage all of you to visit their website at
http://www.gardensofeagan.com/ and take a little time to find, visit, and enjoy all of the delicacies they have to offer in your local metropolitan area.
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