Wednesday, July 18, 2007
When fat is ok
I read an article in the clinical advisor brochure, and they where talking about extra weight in patients who are elderly, have lung disease, heart failure, arthritis, and kidney. We all know that people are more aware about there overeating habit in America, also people are talking more about eating less and watching the portion size of food. But if you are urging elderly people and those with lung disease, heart failure, arthritis, and kidney disease to eat less, may be you shouldn't experts said. To have more information about this, go to
Is GE Food safe?
Is GE Food safe? There are still some reasons that GE Food could be dangerous and that is because there has been no adequate testing to ensure that genes will be the same if they are injected or just natural. They are really worried about that. It may be a long time before GE food could provide us with a safe alternative food and benefit us. But we will not know anymore about it because of the lack of safety testing.
Global Warming
Well I read Global Warming 101 and I thought that it was an ok story. I did a speech on global warming and I learned a lot more on other sites than this one but it worked. Global warming is a very scary and real thing that is happening to us. We are like under a big blanket which is our atmosphere and it is trapping all of the heat and crappy air under it with us. Which is hurting us slow and it is definitely going to kill us sometime (that is how I feel)...we are killing ourselves one gallon at a time.
Poachers, hurting our enviroment

Here is a good example of an energy pyramid. To support this and to keep it flowing smoothly, we have to take a stand against poachers. These poachers hunt outside of designated hunting times of the year, or kill an animal on the endargered species list. We can all help by turning these people in to the DNR. If we are going to work on saving the ecosystem and ourselves, we need to start by doing our own things and watching out for poachers. Follow the link on how to stop poachers.
I spend some of my free time investing in the market (stock). Everyone is always looking for a better way of life. I'm trying to do my part by giving up smoking after lighting up for over 25 years. It's been tough but i feel i'm getting close to breaking the habit (cold turkey). If your able to financially check out some of the companies throughout the world that are trying to do their part to clean up the world. A mutual fund that invests in green companies is the "spectra green fund". They look for company's with good growth and have taken a step forward to help the planet. One such company in the fund is "starbucks", which pay the coffe bean farmers more money for their beans by growing their crops in a way to help them become more sustainable. Cold Water Creek which buy "wind power credits" to replace the energy which they use up in their stores. Croc's which use a material in the procuction of their shoes which use less energy to produce. Many companies are on the move to go green to help save the planet in many ways, so why not make some green while supporting companies that are going green.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Deforestation for the use of farming has caused several problems for the environment. Eighty percent of the forests that once covered the earth are gone or degraded. This causes problems such as the rise in CO2, fires, erosion, loss of species and climate changes. |
Turn green, or stay gold.
Environmentalists and support groups everyday are pressuring large coroporations and countries across the world to change the way they currently deal with growth and the environment on a daily basis. Wheather it be through capital production, business affairs, population, waste, or to something as simple as everyday life, one such person who is concerned about the increasing dilemas is Harold A. Mooney, author of the book "Millennium Ecosystem Assessment". He states by the year 2020 meat production will double and that the grains once produced to feed humans will now be needed to feed the increase of livestock. So how the heck are we going to feed ourselves (human population growth), feed twice as many livestock, and use "new" biofuels to power the "earth friendly vehicles" which are made from many of these crops?
Does the airfreighting of organic food go against it's principles?
There is a huge debate on whether the increasing use of air freighting organic foods goes against the principles behind such products. At this point there is a proposed prohibition being talked about for all airefreighted organic food. Are we putting our principle before practicality? Is there a danger that by removing the certification from suppliers that continue to air freight and thus restricting the supply, the whole organic market could fall to a point below its critical mass? If this ban goes into place there will be a huge void and will restirct the amount and kind of products available to us.
One man's rat....might be dinner
There was a heavey rains in central China that lead to a deadly landslides and also floods that have driven billions of roadents out of there homes and into the open.So the people do catch them and are selling them in the restaurants in southern China. The restaurants have been offering the ratmeat banquets at $9 a pound.

Today i read a little article on a new type of car called a humdinga. yea what the heck is that right? well it is a hummer that can go on land and water. on land it can go from 0-60 in 9.2 seconds. and the top speed is 100. in the water it can go as fast as 40mph. that is so awesome but the problem is how much gas it uses on land and how much it disturbs the marine wild life. Right now the Humdinga is only over in the UK. if i was rich i would love a truck like this. want to read more??
fair trade coffee
valkanic coffee is the name of an article I found about Fairtrade coffee. This article is about more women in uganda being treated more equally by the men in there country . Oliver Kishero is a mother of seven and is caring for her orphan cousins. She improved on her income and improved the standing of women in the local society. Men now are realizing it may be better to treat women equally. Not only has Oliver successfully gained respect from men and improved rights for women in Uganda. She also has become a successful farmer and voice in co-op. Now women are becoming interested in joining the co-op and also Fairtrade is giving women the freedom of speech.
the food we eat
the food we eat is a very long artical that is dealing with the quality of food. it deals with labling food and how the world( mainly erope- britten) works and wants to put lables on all food products. it tells you that they want to put on the lable how much undesirable things are in the food, like bug guts and rodent dropings. they beleave that by putting that info on the lables it will help people determin wether or not they want to buy that given product. i beleave that that would be a good idea but i dont think about how much crap is in my food. so if this intrest you check out the web site for your self.
your friend ivry morseth
your friend ivry morseth
Mozart ate, therefore he was...
Mozart, of the Amadeus and Wolfgang sort of family, has his own year-long festival. A whole year! Who would have thought it? Artists, musicians and of course, chefs, from around the world gathered in Vienna to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Moz's birthday. Such delights as Mozart Balls, Wolfgang Cake, Mozart Sausage and Mozart Schnitzel were offered (and, it is supposed, eaten) along with performing artists from far-flung lands. A good time was had by all and by "all" I mean those who also used this fair to celebrated the Freemasons, which Mozart was a member. Isn't this fun?
Organic Options at Yale
Starting with only Yale, but having now spread to many other schools - Students are embracing the option of an organic menu. This program works with local farmers to obtain produce, eggs and meat. Students are learning more appreciation for food and farmers. Those working in the kitchen have learned to appreciate the program over time, but since everthing is received fresh, they are responsible for prepping and cleaning everything. This takes much more time. They were advised though to think more about flavor and taste, rather than speed. This option, I believe could spread all over quite quickly!
Space Sticks

"A food tray used in the Skylab space station program of the 1970s. Packages outside the tray (from bottom left): grape drink, beef pot roast, chicken and rice, beef sandwiches and sugar cookie cubes. Inside the tray (from back left): orange drink , strawberries, asparagus, prime rib, dinner roll and butterscotch pudding in the center. NASA "
Now, astronauts can choose from a long list of meals instead of the same old frozen and tubed things. People are constantly testing food and beverages to take into space.
a different kind of house
a guy named andrew maynard has a solution to the drought in australia that he calls "poop house". the inner walls will hold enough water for up to twenty years, while the outer shell will house the solid waste. it is definately different.
bottled water, how good is it?
it talks about the quality standards between bottled and tap water, how it takes a toll on the environment, and that nearly 90% of the water bottles are in landfills. also, where to check what is in your tap water, with other links to f.a.q.
Vatican agrees to reforestation...
July 13 the Vatican accepted a certificate from a Hungarian-based firm stating that the reforestation of a large area in Hungary would compensate for all its emissions this year.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sushi powered
I thought this was an interesting article. Japan has pledged to reduce carbon emissions by 6 percent by 2012. Japan is one of the pioneering countries in climate change policy and research. The plan is to replace the 132 million gallons of gas that fuel Japanese care and replace it with a domestic biofuel. The University of Tokyo is looking at ways to extract ethanol from seaweed. The paln is to put a seaweed farm in the middle of the Sea of Japan. They think a farm this size could produce enough to fuel one third of the gasoline that Japan uses each year.
Chris Olson
Chris Olson
Is the food you eat from other countries safe?
As you can remember a few months back dogs and cats were dying because of the tainted food they were eating. This food came from China and until now China has had some relaxed food restrictions. The US and other countries have stepped up and are forcing China to have tighter restrictions on food production. Since the tainted pet food outbreak, the US has been testing other foods China has been importing to the US and has found them to contain potentially toxic chemicals and other adulterants. I do not think China is the only country that needs to be looked at for food safety. It is the job of the FDA to ensure only foods that are safe are imported into the United States.,2933,289449,00.html,2933,289449,00.html
Chef Rubin and Bistro West Restaurant
Class, a possible chef/restaurant that may be interesting to you...
Thousand Hills Cattle Company Chef Featured at Bistro West Restaurant
Bistro West Restaurant hosted Rachel Rubin, Executive Chef for Thousand Hills Cattle Company, on Thursday, July 12 as part of University Dining Services‚ monthly Guest Chef Series. Chef Rubin prepared Peruvian Beef Kabobs, featuring locally grown Thousand Hills Grass Fed Beef, with Rice, Peruvian-Style Vegetable Salad, and Grilled Corn on the Cob.
Chef Rubin, a Minnesotan with Peruvian roots, specializes in cooking with fresh, local and organic ingredients. As the Executive Chef for Thousand Hills, a Cannon Falls, Minnesota Company, Rubin develops healthy, flavorful recipes featuring the Grass Fed Beef products. „It‚s wonderful that Bistro West features Thousand Hills Grass-Fed Beef regularly in their menu,‰ said Rubin. „I‚m thrilled to be here to help the campus community better understand the healthy benefits of our beef.‰
Bistro West Restaurant hosts local chefs each month as part of the Guest Chef Series. As a member of the Minnesota Heartland Food Network, Bistro West also participates in Third Thursdays, a celebration of locally grown foods. The next Third Thursdays event is scheduled for July 19, 2007.
Bistro West is open to the public Monday ˆ Friday from 11:00 AM ˆ 1:30 PM. For information or reservations to upcoming events, please call (612) 625-2588.
To learn more about University Dining Services' sustainability initiatives, visit
Thousand Hills Cattle Company Chef Featured at Bistro West Restaurant
Bistro West Restaurant hosted Rachel Rubin, Executive Chef for Thousand Hills Cattle Company, on Thursday, July 12 as part of University Dining Services‚ monthly Guest Chef Series. Chef Rubin prepared Peruvian Beef Kabobs, featuring locally grown Thousand Hills Grass Fed Beef, with Rice, Peruvian-Style Vegetable Salad, and Grilled Corn on the Cob.
Chef Rubin, a Minnesotan with Peruvian roots, specializes in cooking with fresh, local and organic ingredients. As the Executive Chef for Thousand Hills, a Cannon Falls, Minnesota Company, Rubin develops healthy, flavorful recipes featuring the Grass Fed Beef products. „It‚s wonderful that Bistro West features Thousand Hills Grass-Fed Beef regularly in their menu,‰ said Rubin. „I‚m thrilled to be here to help the campus community better understand the healthy benefits of our beef.‰
Bistro West Restaurant hosts local chefs each month as part of the Guest Chef Series. As a member of the Minnesota Heartland Food Network, Bistro West also participates in Third Thursdays, a celebration of locally grown foods. The next Third Thursdays event is scheduled for July 19, 2007.
Bistro West is open to the public Monday ˆ Friday from 11:00 AM ˆ 1:30 PM. For information or reservations to upcoming events, please call (612) 625-2588.
To learn more about University Dining Services' sustainability initiatives, visit
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Meet you Meat
More than 27 billion animals are killed by the meat industry each year, in ways that would horrify any compassionate person and that would be illegal if cats or dogs were the victims.
More chickens are raised and killed for food than every other farmed animal combined, yet not a single federal law protects chickens from abuse.
Chickens raised and killed for their flesh spend their entire lives in filthy, ammonia-laden sheds with tens of thousandsof other birds.
What if we can protect chickens as much as we do for dogs and cats, because after all, research has proved that chickens are smarter than dogs and cats, even other primates.
wouldn't that be good for all human being to go vegetarian? We can easily get all the protein, iron, and calcium that we need by eating plant food. So what do you think?
www.vegcooking .com
by Michee mpeti
More chickens are raised and killed for food than every other farmed animal combined, yet not a single federal law protects chickens from abuse.
Chickens raised and killed for their flesh spend their entire lives in filthy, ammonia-laden sheds with tens of thousandsof other birds.
What if we can protect chickens as much as we do for dogs and cats, because after all, research has proved that chickens are smarter than dogs and cats, even other primates.
wouldn't that be good for all human being to go vegetarian? We can easily get all the protein, iron, and calcium that we need by eating plant food. So what do you think?
www.vegcooking .com
by Michee mpeti
Fair Trade
I've heard the term Fair Trade, but I didn't have a real understanding of how it worked. The article I read, "Playing Fair:Understanding Fair Trade." did a good job of explaing it. While it's always best to buy locally, it's not always possible. Fair Trade principles align with support of local producers and organically grown products. Fair Trade cuts out the middle man and allows farmers in developing countries to receive two to three times more for their product than on the commodities market. The non-Fair Trade coffee farmer receives less than a 2 cent return on $3 latte!! Every one in the food business should have a full understanding of Fair Trade.
Chris Olson
Chris Olson
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