Today i read a little article on a new type of car called a humdinga. yea what the heck is that right? well it is a hummer that can go on land and water. on land it can go from 0-60 in 9.2 seconds. and the top speed is 100. in the water it can go as fast as 40mph. that is so awesome but the problem is how much gas it uses on land and how much it disturbs the marine wild life. Right now the Humdinga is only over in the UK. if i was rich i would love a truck like this. want to read more?? http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/07/new_ways_to_des.php
dont u buy no ugly truck. man that's ugly. would be nice to just go anywhere. i wonder what kind of insurance you'd have to buy to cover yourself. ha ha.
my concern is the waste of fossil fuel being used for nascar races, weekend boating, unnessary waste of fuel that could be used to better the planet istead of playing on the planet. Why not have electric car races, more sailboat racing, etc...
i think its like all the other hummers, gas drinkers....
if this is a civilian vehical than what the livin F#ck is the guy doing with a gun like that oh and uuuuuuugly.
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