In the book, he discusses how we, as beer drinkers, can be something of activists while enjoying a frosty brew. He discusses that we could do such things as purchasing beer from local, organic, and/or free trade beers. We could also bring out own bags or containers to the store where we purchase our beer for a means of transport, and even brewing our own beer.
Doing these things we will do many things to make us called "activists." These things include support of our local community, encouragement of craft brewing, and allowing for sustainable agricultural practices.
Essentially, O'Brien is stating the fact that we don't need to give up our hobbies and loves to become activists. We can just use those hobbies as fuel for an activist MACHINE.
joe, nice article! Beer is good! I like how you tied it to class, beer drinkers can become activists too! That is awesome! Local beer is good, but one needs an import occasionally! GOOD WORK JOE!!!!!
Great article Joe. In case you didn't know, I'm a beer activist too! I would even go so far as to say that I do it as much or more because local, quality, and fresh beer is just plain better. I love beer and make my own on a regular basis. Good writing and good job tying our thematic concepts together. -Jay
Nice article. I like to consider myself somewhat of a beer activist. I think more beer drinkers should take the time to brew their own, it is really great.
Good article. I enjoy local beer that doesn't sit in trailers for multiple days and then in stores for multiple weeks. I have indulged in home brewing with my dad before and it works out for the best. It's up there in quality with the good 'ol green drank and the non nutritious syzzurp!!!
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