The article mentions...
The rise in animal factories over the last 50 years has led to a system that is out of control. Mad cow disease, increased liver abscesses, and the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are just some examples of the damage that comes from unwise and often inhumane approaches to raising food animals.
A few actions that you can do to prevent this is.....
Avoid factory farmed animal products altogether by choosing plant-based foods. Choose grass-fed and grass-finished beef and dairy products and pasture-raised pork, poultry, and egg products.
Again, I have to say changing our food purchasing habits is a good step towards promoting sustainable food production....for those of us that can afford to do so. Regretably, the fact remains that these products are and will remain to be significantly more expensive than industrialized food products. Maybe additional tax breaks given to farmers who utilize sustainable farming practices would help brign their prices in line?
I would have to agree with Jeremy, that we really need to change our purchasing habits, but I do not forsee that happening in the near or distant future. It not only has to do with what we are able to afford, it also has to do with what we are willing to change and people are not willing to change their habits, so how can we expect industry to change.
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