Sunday, June 17, 2007

How Far Does Your Food Travel? Eating your way to a healthy environment, community and body.

How Far Does Your Food Travel?
This is another article on bying locally. It also talks about organic foods as well. It is based out of Canada, but you can get the idea. This is a very informative article. The thing that interested me most was that 1/2 kg of lamb bought locally gives off 7g of CO2, but when it is shipped from New Zealand it puts off 8kg of CO2 into the atmosphere. You can learn a lot from this site. For any of you interestide in changing the global warming situation, I would recommend reading this article. If not read it anyway!


matt mallinger said...

This information is good to know.

ermanning said...

Wow! I guess this really does make you wonder if going organic is always the best. I mean it really does make you have to think about what your doing, to the environment, and if its really worth your money.I found another article that I hope might interest you. This article actually ties your food mileage to the harmful effects that it has on the environment. Its very fascinating when you think of all those miles just to provide your family with a meal.

Maynard said...

This is an informative article. I found it very interesting and I would tell others to read it.

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