Friday, June 15, 2007

Minnesota Food Works

Minnesota Food Works

This is not really an article, what it is, is more of a starting point for the idea of promoting local foods. It has about 15 links to different organizations and projects that are happening in Minnesota. Also just some list of "local" restaurants, and even a magazine about farmers markets in the Twin Cities. There are a lot of links provided. If you want to learn more about promoting local foods, just check out this site. But like I said its just a starting point, you'll have to look a little harder but it has all the links you need.

Monday, June 11, 2007

gas prices around the world

it was a pretty interesting graphic of prices around the world, showing what other countries paid for gas per gallon. makes you think of how countries like china, whose population is greater than ours, are able to handle daily life with gas being so expensive, and they also dont have nearly the same wages as us. check it out.

You are what your food eats

This article talks about a study that was done in 1996. The study is the article was, that livestock producers fed stale gum, still in the aluminum foil to cattle. They said that it did not alter the quality of meat. Also that the aluminum levels were within normal limits. It also goes on to talk about most experts in human nutrition are blind to the feed/food aspects of farming. they don't see that there is a direct quralation between what they eat and what we will eventually consume ourselves.

California produce is no good

This article is stating that much of California's spinach is unsafe due to an e-coli break out. There have been 199 hospitilizations and three deaths. There have been law suits filed and companies invested in the spinach industry have gone bankrupt due to the law suits and shut down of companies producing spinach. A very interesting article, a little long but worth the time.

death from above

this is another website dedicated to the avian influenza.The WHO(not the band) reports that to date there are no known cases of human infection through PROPERLY cooked food. Since December 2003 over 50 countries have had outbreaks of h5n1. only ten countries have reported human infection. of the 311 cases of human infections, 190 died. this website tells yearly case reports, deaths, and where they occurred. it also gives the different types of influenzas and the warning signs to catch the disease early. it also tells what kind of birds are carriers. it also tells of past outbreaks of pandemic influenza in 1918-Spanish, 1957-Asian, 1968-Hong Kong.This is the best website I have found to date, on avian influenza. Read it

this seems pretty interesting

so this is something that i never really put any thought behind, how too much light can be pollution. i think this might be where i go with my project. if you got a sec. check it out and let me know what you think

Sunday, June 10, 2007

50 Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Foods

This article goes into so many aspects of what could possibly go wrong with genetically modified foods, it is truly incredible. The thing that amazes me the most is the simple fact you have the pretty much other countries not allowing the "Frankenstein food" as it is called to enter their markets, farms, or any part of their lives at all. And they fight it with such passion that they are actually succeeding, where as a country like the United States, says nothing about the food that is spear heading every single one of our markets. The consumers don't seem to mind companies like Monsanto's to be genetically modifying our food supply and putting it out there for us and our children to consume. We have become the largest human guinea pigs, without really being informed about it. Our health, our safety long term are being shortsighted by the power, money hungry people who want control of the biggest part of our lives, our food system. They like many before them have their pocket interest over,the health of the people. The article goes into depth about the affects be it health, environmental, the affects on our small farmers, the political, and social affects. These are the things that seemingly get ignored all for the purpose of making money and controlling the largest aspect of our human nature which is our food supply. I really feel that this is a must read if you really do care as future chefs, about the future of the food you will be feeding your consumers.
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