Monday, June 11, 2007

You are what your food eats

This article talks about a study that was done in 1996. The study is the article was, that livestock producers fed stale gum, still in the aluminum foil to cattle. They said that it did not alter the quality of meat. Also that the aluminum levels were within normal limits. It also goes on to talk about most experts in human nutrition are blind to the feed/food aspects of farming. they don't see that there is a direct quralation between what they eat and what we will eventually consume ourselves.


tim.r said...

why in the world would you wrap the gum in foil?

Jim said...

I think that this is a good article. And also that with this put out there, knowing that we can alter what is in our beef, or any other meat, why don't we feed them different things that make the meat a little healthier. Especially since they say eat less red meat.

matt mallinger said...

gum comes in foil stupid

this article is creepy

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