Sunday, June 3, 2007

Water Use by Ethanol Plants

This article talks about how much water it takes to produce one gallon of ethanol. In 1998 it took about 8 gallons of water to produce one gallon of ethanol, which was a ridiculous amount. So ethanol plant producers needed to come up with a better idea that brought that number down by a significant amount. If you think about how much ethanol is produced each year, at that rate we would run out of usable water in a hurry. Thankfully they have come up with a much more efficient way to produce ethanol which uses about half the amount of water than it took in 1998.


ermanning said...

It was very interesting to read, and I am wondering if any of these people are realizing that perhaps ethanol may not be the answer. With the amount of water it takes to produce this ethanol we wont have any water left. I found an article at this site;
This really goes into more details about the ethanol plant that they were planning to put off the cost of Tampa, Florida. And the biggest problem they are having is the water consumption that its taking to use the corn to produce the ethanol. The people who have lived there, know how rough it has been because they have had water limitations on their lawns for over a year now. I find it humurous in a way that when one solution is found it creates another problem for our environment.

Bradley Rakow said...

That was really interesting to read. I had no clue what so ever that they use that much just to make ethanol. I really that they find a different way to make ethanol, but on the other it does create another problem for the environment.

Lynn said...

We will see severe drought conditions in our life time if we continue to allow large businesses to drain our water supply. Protecting our drinking water should always be our first concern.

wjlazarski said...

i agree its vey interresting to read. they really should find awawy to make ethanol so it does not cause a problem.

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