Monday, July 30, 2007

Glabal Warming

With it being the start of global warming week i figured i would throw this post out there. We all know that global warming is a major issue in the world today, but to what extent ? Climate is on of the major factors in animals habitats and if the temperature is constantly on the rise, year by year, some of our produce and other rare meats may becaome even more rare. Not just talking about the animals, but the vegetation as well.

1 comment:

lknutson said...

Just like it did for the roman empire, which at that time was considered the greatest of its time, it will only be a matter of time before we collapse our own environment. Someone may be writting about the past couple of hundred years of our generation in the same context. We were great for our time (achievements) but lousy at being socially sustainable.

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