Monday, March 19, 2007

Izzy's is Solar

This posting is about the famous Izzy's Ice Cream shop in St. Paul and their movement to solar power just over a year ago. They installed 200 solar panels and began to draw power from them in Nov. 2005. These panels have cut Izzy's power demand by 30% and when they are not needing all of the energy they are selling it back to the power grid of St. Paul. They claim that this is the first "shop" in the U.S. to be running on solar power. They are setting a great example for the rest of the culinary field and all business owners. Everyone doing just a little bit will make a big difference. The site also has links to, a nd a few other green energy websites. The original article can be found at


JudyKay said...

This is a really interesting article. Solar panels for more business's would help out the world a great deal to conserve what we can. Hopefully more business's pick up on this.

Joe Witschen said...

I really like the idea of them conserving so much energy. I've never head of Izzy's, but after reading this, it's got me interested, and I plan to learn more on the company.

carlyjj said...

Hey, there is a broken link in this article, under the anchor text -

Here is the working link so you can replace it -

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