Friday, July 13, 2007


This was very good becasue it shows how it is even hot outside for the animals not only for Humans. That even aminals are climbing up trees to get in the shade. They are leaving there own homes to travel to new places to get food becasue of the heat. It is crazy what if every summer it keeps getting hotter what are we going to do years from now. -Matt Kilbride


Unknown said...

I have two dogs. when i have them out and walkin them i keep a bottle of water and a little dish on me for them. it get so hott out for them. when we think it is so hott out just remember that our pets have way more hair then we do. i do wonder how hott it is going to get out year after year.

kmbaumler said...

The animals are being affected by the heat, definitly. If this continues more and more animals will travel and will die off, if the heat gets too severe. Just how the ice age killed so many things, I wonder if the heat can kill off like that did?

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