Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Organic Options at Yale

Starting with only Yale, but having now spread to many other schools - Students are embracing the option of an organic menu. This program works with local farmers to obtain produce, eggs and meat. Students are learning more appreciation for food and farmers. Those working in the kitchen have learned to appreciate the program over time, but since everthing is received fresh, they are responsible for prepping and cleaning everything. This takes much more time. They were advised though to think more about flavor and taste, rather than speed. This option, I believe could spread all over quite quickly!



Paul Miller said...

This is a geat article and you can see how main stream organic food is becoming. I just hope the price on organic food get's more reasonable soon and is more readily avaiable.

cupcake2042 said...

This sounds like a great article. This is where it has to start and hopefully once a student has an appreciation for fresh, organic foods it will forever change his/her eatting habits.

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