Sunday, May 6, 2007

Judges go back to school;_ylt=Ah4178THCpu9Wy74bSqDbRDMWM0F

I never thought about it before but this scares me. A person with a BA or Masters in English goes to law school, graduates, passes the bar, practices for several years and then becomes a judge. That person sits in judgment on science issues with no knowledge of how that science works! Could this be why the Monsanto-GMO issue was judged in favor of Monsanto? Because the judge on the case didn't know how the science worked or which experts were credible?

This article talks about how 60 judges (out of how many in this country?!?) went to a three-day science boot camp. Three whole days! WOW! At least they are trying to learn.


Anthony Fisher said...

I agree that the judges should have some knowledge in the subject they oversee but i do commend them for sending a few to school for an education.

Unknown said...

I have to agree I thank sometimes they don't care who is there

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