Monday, July 23, 2007

The End of Fine Dining?

Chef Pierre Gagnaire, one of the world's premiere chefs, says that the boom in fine dining is causing a negative impact on the environment. "Habitats are being destroyed, killing off wild fish stocks and making some vegetables and fruits so scarce that a number of dishes will have to be dropped and restaurants will be forced to close."



Matt-ta-tat said...

I think environmental issues are a very importan issue in the world today. When you work in the food industry, it can seem even more importan, even career threatening in a way. If habitats are being destroyed, some of our more "exotic" species may become extinct. This doesnt meen someone can go farm them, it meens they are gone, for good. So if the rest of the world doesnt change the way we look at these issues, you can all say goodbye to swordfish on the dinner menue this sunday.

Heather said...

This is so disturbing. If things keep going this way, we wont have the ability to produce the foods we would like to, also many of us could be out of a job.

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