Thursday, February 22, 2007

Global Warming of Low Priority?

This basically discusses the overall urgency of global warming as a concern of Americans. In 2003, the concept of global warming was discussed, and Americans ranked it as a lower priority in relation to other issues including heath care and the war in Iraq. There has been no large affects on human health or human behavior, thus making it an issue that we continue to put on the back burner until the issue rises.

The full story can be found at:


jessewiebke said...

I found it interesting that Americans did not view global warming as an important issue, when in fact it is very important. It does affect everybody and will affect their children in the future.

V-Dub said...

I don't find it hard to believe that we do not view global warming as an immediate issue as other events are going on in the world that we can visually see effecting us immediately. Even though we can feel and notice the effects of global warming, it doesn't have the daily statistics and video updates such as wars and other concerns we see and hear about daily.

billkirscht said...

I think it also goes to show the mentality of most Americans, which seems to be "If i dont notice it, it isnt happening". So if the news doesnt shove it in your face, no one thinks it matters.

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