Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bee population dying

This article talked about bee and how there numbers, over the last couple years, have been drastically reduced. The article said that there were a couple of reasons for this phenomenon; one of the most important being mites. Mites were accidentally introduced to the US in 1980 and have since caused much damage to bees. The article also touched on how our environment is no longer “bee friendly.”

I think that this is kind of scary. Bees do a lot for our environment and help pollinate a lot of the food we eat, not to mention a lot of the flowers/ plants across the US. Then there is also the whole honey/wax thing… what would we do without honey, bees wax, etc? I think that this is a problem that needs to get fixed; I don’t want a world without flowers :)


mike raths said...

Nice comment on the whole bee thing Kaytie, I absolutly do not want to live on , basically a dead colorless planet. That is a world not worth living in or our kids being allowed to inheirit.

Unknown said...

Wow you don't usually look at bees in a positive way but they do help the environment. I found this to be an interesting article.

Andre Brown said...

I think that this article is similar to mine except that they say that the reason why they are dying is due to disease. This article is very good because it talks about how important bees are and how they help to pollinate our flowers and fruits.

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