Sunday, April 15, 2007

There always seems to be a downside, doesn't there?

How Biofuels Could Starve the Poor

This is a very long report, about 5 pages. It shows that bio-fuel isn't as good for the poor even if it does offer lower prices at the gas pump. Especially if the poor don't have cars or if they live in developing countries. Those are the people who are being adversly effected the most by the higher corn and grain prices. Bio-fuels may be good as a subsistute for fossil fuels but is it really the best option for everyone including the environment? People in SE Asia are clearing more and more land to plant oil palms that are used for biodiesel. Is this a good thing?

How about here in the US? "With the price of raw materials at such highs, the biofuel craze would place significant stress on other parts of the agricultural sector. In fact, it already does. In the United States, the growth of the biofuel industry has triggered increases not only in the prices of corn, oilseeds, and other grains but also in the prices of seemingly unrelated crops and products. The use of land to grow corn to feed the ethanol maw is reducing the acreage devoted to other crops. Food processors who use crops such as peas and sweet corn have been forced to pay higher prices to keep their supplies secure -- costs that will eventually be passed on to consumers. "

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